
Saturday, July 23, 2011

Harry Potter's Butterbeer

Double post this week!  AWW YEAH!!

A friend of mine shared a recipe for this a little while ago, when HP7.2 came out.  I've always wondered what some of these "wizard" food tasted like (not so much the earwax jelly bean, though).  There are many variations of recipe for this beverage, but this one was put of by AP, FoxNews (bleh), basing it on the Wizarding World of Harry Potter theme park.  And in my opinion, this one contains the least amount of pre-made ingredients.

So Meow tried her hand at making a fictional beverage.

You'll need candy thermometer for this, if you don't have it, you can opt for a pre-made butterscotch topping recipe.

Harry Potter Butterbeer

Remember: 1mL = 1g

1 cup light or dark brown sugar (200g)
2 tablespoons water (30mL)
6 tablespoon unsalted butter (85g)
1/2 teaspoon salt (3g)
1/2 teaspoon cider vinegar (3mL)
3/4 cup heavy cream, divided (75mL)
1/2 teaspoon rum extract (3mL)
4 12-ounce bottles cream soda (350mL/355mL)

Assemble ingredients for Mr. Caboose's approval 

1. Measure 1 cup (200g) of brown sugar.  This is a good chance for you to use up and chunky, hard rock, dried up brown sugar.

2. Add 2 tablespoons (30mL) of water and mix thoroughly.

3. Set the pot of brown sugar sludge on the stove and heat on medium-low, clip your candy thermometer to the pot.

4. Heat brown sugar sludge to 240F, stir occasionally.

5. While brown sugar is heating, measure out 6 tablespoons (85g) of unsalted butter.

 Close enough :P

6. Add 1/2 teaspoon (3g) of cider vinegar.

7. Add 1/4 cup (58g) of whipping cream.

 Meow messed up and only added 61g, still worked.

8. Add 1/2 teaspoon (3g) of salt.

9.  Add 1/2 teaspoon (3g) of rum extract.

 The original recipe says to put the rum extract after the syrup has cooled.
The most likely reason for this is the syrup will fizz and bubble like mad if
put in when hot, so you do either, if you choose this method, stir in the mixture carefully.

10. Remove brown sugar from stove once it reaches 240F and transfer to heat safe bowl to cool.

11. Stir in your buttery whipping cream mixture and mix SLOWLY but thoroughly.  Sugar at this temperature can burn your skin.

 End result of the butterbeer syrup

For the foamy topping
12. Using the remaining 1/2 cup (116g) of whipping cream, pour it into a large bowl.

 Meow overpoured.  Oh well.
Whipping cream will double its volume once whipped.
1/2 cup will yield 1 cup of whipped cream.

13. Steal 2 tablespoons (25g-30g) of the butterbeer syrup and add it to the whipping cream.

14.  Use an electric mixer and whip until soft peaks.  About 3 minutes.

15. Pour 1/4 cup (72g) of the butterbeer syrup into a pint glass.

Hint: I wasn't about to do a million transfers between bowl-measuring cup-glass
so I poured 1/4 cup of water into the glass and marked the level with a dry erase marker.

16. Pour 1/4 cup of cream soda into the glass and mix well.

Fizz will escape and foam will form, no worries.

17. Add ice now if you wish, and fill glass with the rest of the soda. 

 End result before adding whipped topping

18. Spoon about 1/4 of the whipped topping and drop it into the butterbeer.  Cover and refrigerate the rest if not using right away.


Serves 4
I find this drink rather sweet, can probably go with less syrup mix, maybe reduce it to 1/8 cup of syrup to a 12oz cream soda.

I was so excited when I made this drink I was shoving it at Mr. Meow as soon as he got home, even before  he got his shoes off.  I told him I made butterbeer from Harry Potter and this is what he said:
       "You made a fictional beverage?"

Mr. Meow tasted is and said right away that it tasted like a rootbeer float, I'm inclined to agree.  Though I'm still not sure if I really like this drink or not, sure, it's nice and buttery, but it's also kinda flat and I usually don't drink the melted stuff when I'm done eating an ice cream float.  Perhaps no whipping topping next time.

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